Category Archives: home

Deportation at Frankfurt Airport successfully stopped!

Our protest action on Thursday evening showed that we do not have to accept  all decisions of the immigration authorities without interfering.  The deportation of Mimi T, ordered by the immigration authorities in Nuremberg, was supposed to take place on Thursday. In a joint press release of the Bavarian Refugee Council and Pro Asyl, the planned deportation of Mimi T to Ethiopia, as well as the actions of the immigration authorities in Nuremberg, were sharply criticized.

Since there was no more possibility to take legal action against the deportation, we personally contacted passengers at Frankfurt Airport. In such cases, the only possibility to stop a deportation is if the pilot refuses to take the person to be deported on the plane.  Passengers and the crew can try to stop the deportation by talking to the person who is going to be deported and by asking the pilot to talk to the person. At Frankfurt Airport we informed passengers that Mimi T. is to be deported against her will on their flight. We informed them how they could act in solidarity and thus possibly prevent the deportation. Many passengers showed great sympathy, asked us many questions and decided to at least talk to the crew and Mimi T. on the plane. We were also able to address and inform the crew and the pilot personally during our protest action.

The same evening we heard that the deportation could be prevented. The passengers and the pilot expressed their critique against Mimi Ts deportation.  A big thank you to passengers and crew of the flight to Addis Ababa and for their support and solidarity.

If friends, relatives or acquaintances of yours are deported on a scheduled flight, you can become just as active. Go to the airport and tell passengers about the deportation. On our homepage you will find a flyer which describes how passengers can act in solidarity and which you can distribute:

Deportation at Frankfurt Airport successfully stopped!

Our protest action on Thursday evening showed that we do not have to accept  all decisions of the immigration authorities without interfering.  The deportation of Mimi T, ordered by the immigration authorities in Nuremberg, was supposed to take place on Thursday. In a joint press release of the Bavarian Refugee Council and Pro Asyl, the planned deportation of Mimi T to Ethiopia, as well as the actions of the immigration authorities in Nuremberg, were sharply criticized.

Since there was no more possibility to take legal action against the deportation, we personally contacted passengers at Frankfurt Airport. In such cases, the only possibility to stop a deportation is if the pilot refuses to take the person to be deported on the plane.  Passengers and the crew can try to stop the deportation by talking to the person who is going to be deported and by asking the pilot to talk to the person. At Frankfurt Airport we informed passengers that Mimi T. is to be deported against her will on their flight. We informed them how they could act in solidarity and thus possibly prevent the deportation. Many passengers showed great sympathy, asked us many questions and decided to at least talk to the crew and Mimi T. on the plane. We were also able to address and inform the crew and the pilot personally during our protest action.

The same evening we heard that the deportation could be prevented. The passengers and the pilot expressed their critique against Mimi Ts deportation.  A big thank you to passengers and crew of the flight to Addis Ababa and for their support and solidarity.

If friends, relatives or acquaintances of yours are deported on a scheduled flight, you can become just as active. Go to the airport and tell passengers about the deportation. On our homepage you will find a flyer which describes how passengers can act in solidarity and which you can distribute:

Protest against the mass deportation to Afghanistan on 18.02. 2019

Solidarität statt Abschiebung!

Am Montag den 18.02.2019 findet die 21. Sammelabschiebung nach Afghanistan statt. Dieses Mal geht sie vom Frankfurter Flughafen aus weshalb wir dort zusammen mit dem Afghan Refugees Movement unter dem Motto “Solidarität statt Abschiebung” zu einer Demo aufrufen. Mittlerweile wissen wir alle, dass Afghanistan kein sicheres Land ist und die drohenden Abschiebungen Afghanen in die Verzweiflung bis hin zu Suizidversuchen treiben. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund Seehofers neuer Pläne, die neben einer massiven Ausweitung der Abschiebehaft und einer “Duldung light” die Kriminalisierung von Unterstützer*innen zum Ziel haben, gilt es unseren Protest zu zeigen. Wir lassen uns nicht einschüchtern und gehen weiterhin gegen Abschiebung, Rassismus und Ausgrenzung auf die Straße! Wir werden Malsachen und ein Transpi dabei haben auf dem ihr eure Soli-Statements verewigen könnt.
Unser Treffpunkt am Montag ist um 18.30 Uhr im Terminal 1, Abflug C

STOP ALL DEPORTATIONS! Solidarität statt Abschiebung!

Gemeinsam am +++ 18.02.19 um 18.30 Uhr im Terminal 1, Abflug C +++ in Solidarität mit allen von Abschiebung betroffenen Menschen. Kommt und bringt eure Freund*innen mit! Wir freuen uns auf eine laute, entschlossene Demo

Next Monday, 18.02.2019, the 21st mass deportation to Afghanistan will take place. This time it will take place from Frankfurt Airport, which is why we are calling for a demonstration there together with the Afghan Refugees Movement under the motto “Solidarity instead of deportation”. By now we all know that Afghanistan is not a safe country and the threatening deportations are driving Afghans into despair and even suicide attempts. It is particularly important to show out protest against the background of Seehofer’s new plans, which, in addition to a massive expansion of deportation-imprisonment and a “Duldung light”, have the criminalization of supporters as their goal. We do not let ourselves be intimidated and continue to take to the streets against deportation, racism and exclusion! We will have painting utensils and a transpi on which you can immortalize your soli statements.

Our meeting point on Monday is at 18.30 in Terminal 1, Departure C.

STOP ALL DEPORTATIONS! Solidarity instead of deportation!

Together in solidarity with all people affected by deportation. Come and bring your friends with you! We are looking forward to a loud, determined protest!

Attention! Achtung!

Am 8.05.18 findet vom Frankfurter Flughafen aus eine Sammelabschiebung nach Pakistan statt. Eine genaue Uhrzeit ist nicht bekannt.

On the 8th of May 2018 will be a charter deportation to Pakistan from Frankfurt Airport. We have no information about an exact time.

Von einer anstehenden Abschiebung gehört? Oder selbst von Abschiebung bedroht? Melde dich bei uns! Kontaktinfos findest du auf der rechten Seite.

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Have you heard of an upcoming deportation? Or are you yourself threatened by one? Contact us! You‘ll find our contact info at the right side of this page.

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